Baragoi Catholic Mission was the first mission to be opened in the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit when Maralal was under Marsabit.It was opened in 1952.
Maralal deanery is made up of the following parishes

Suguta Marmar Parish is important to the History of the Catholic Diocese of Maralal for two among many reasons, first it was the first Parish of Maralal Diocese to be served exclusively by local personnel when in 1999 it was handed over to local clergy. Secondly it was the first outstation of Maralal Parish (now the See of the Diocese)This week Saturday 22rd June 2013, tens of hundreds of people The Christ’s faithful of the Catholic Diocese of Maralal friends and well-wishers thronged Suguta Marmar Parish,to witness the blessing and consecration of the new Church, the diaconate ordination of Seminarian Raphael Naukot and Priestly ordination of Rev. Deacon Peter Musau.
Historical Background.
Suguta Marmar is a name derived from two words Suguta, a Maa name meaning a swampy and ever green place and Marmar or Lmarmar, a clan of the Larinkon section of the Maasai who lived around this watering place during the pre-colonial times,thus Suguta Lalmarmar was the watering place of the Marmar clan.Beside the Larinkon clan,the Lukumae clan also lived around Suguta Marmar and of its families was that of chief Leratia Lesadala.Chief Lesadala was one of the chief appointed in early colonial times in Lorroki Area ,the other two are Lepuyapui of Wamba area and Lesokoyo of Mount Nyiro area.Leratia Lesadala built the first shop in Suguta around 1960,thus beginning what would become the flourishing town which the youth have nicknamed chocolate city.