Episcopate Anniversary of Bishop Emeritus Virgilio Pante and Maralal Catholic Diocese. 6th October 2001.

Episcopate Anniversary of Bishop Emeritus Virgilio Pante and Maralal Catholic Diocese. 6th October 2001.
More than Two decades ago today a new bishop was consecrated at the Allamano grounds and a new diocese was born.
It’s 23 years of dedicated service to the Diocese of Maralal.
It’s has been 23 years of joys and hopes, but also of challenges and achievements in evangelization.
In more than two decades, the diocese has grown in quality and quantity (faith and numbers). Today more than ever before, we are dependent on God’s Providence.
Today we thank God for his faithfulness, love and care.
Congratulations Bishop Emeritus Virgilio Pante on your 23rd anniversary of Episcopate.
Congratulations the Diocese of Maralal:
Religious, clergy and the laity as we celebrate together 23 years of God’s Faithfulness.
God bless Bishop Emeritus Virgilio Pante.
God bless The Catholic Diocese of Maralal.
Blessed Sunday to you all.


Dear Kenyans, and especially our Catholic Christians, We must remain steadfast praying for our Nation. Lets offer prayers, Adoration, Rosaries and Novenas, so that God touches the hard hearts of our leaders, and corrects the minds of our citizens. We cannot allow ourselves to be captured by hate, or by the culture of lies and self benefit.…We remain brothers and sisters! Love must prevail! We must care for one another. Violence and hatred orchestrated by political leaders must find no space in God Loving Kenyans! We refuse that our leaders disrespect the Places of Worship May God make us courageous enough to overcome hatred! Archbishop Anthony Muheria.


August 11th 2024, 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐞: Rev. Fr. James Lengarin’s 25 Years of Priesthood Honoured with a fusion of Samburu and Turkana Cultures.
In a vibrant display of Samburu and Turkana heritage, Rev. Fr. James Lengarin IMC, Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries, marked his 25th anniversary of priesthood at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish Wamba in the Catholic Diocese of Maralal.
The joyous occasion, led by Fr. Lengarin and concelebrated by Fr. Joseph Musito IMC, Vice Regional Superior of the Consolata Missionaries Kenya/Uganda region, and Fr Joseph Omollo IMC, Parish Priest of Wamba, drew together a multitude of Consolata Missionaries and diocesan priests from Maralal and Isiolo.
The celebration, which welcomed faithful from Maralal, Marsabit, and Isiolo dioceses, was a heartfelt tribute to God’s grace in elevating one of their own to become the first African Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries and also to celebrate the seed and growth of faith that the Consolata Missionaries planted in Samburu.


On 27th July 2024, Bishop Peter Munguti Makau was ordained and installed as the senior Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Isiolo (Bishop Coadjutor).

He is expected to replace the current Bishop of Isiolo Anthony Ireri Mukobo when he retires soon.

Bishop Munguti comes from the Consolata missionary organization.



Appointment of Priests and Deacons Announced After Diaconate Mass.
Maralal, June 29, 2024 – Following the sacred diaconate ordination of Seminarians Michael Loisiae Lekasuyian and Naftali Lowoi Lotukoi, Rt. Rev. Hieronymus Emusugut Joya, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maralal, announced the appointment of several priests and deacons to new duties and areas of service within the diocese.
The appointments are as follows:
1. Rev. Fr. Samuel Lopeka Simile – Assistant Fr. in charge of Our Lady Consolata, Suguta Marmar Parish.
2. Rev. Fr. Cornelio Lomatukae – Finance Administrator of Cathedral Parish Schools and Assistant Fr. in charge of St. Peter and Paul Cathedral.
3. Rev. Fr. Julius Lelesit – Assistant Fr. in charge of St. Joseph, South Horr Parish.
4. Rev.Fr. John Koech – 1st Assistant Fr. in charge of St. Francis Xavier Baragoi Parish.
5. Rev. Fr. Paul Maina – 2nd Assistant Fr. in charge of St. Francis Xavier Baragoi Parish.
6. Rev. Fr. Solomon Ebei – Finance Administrator of St. Francis and Clare Schools and Assistant Fr. in charge of St. Mathew, Lodokejek Parish.
7. Rev. Fr. Jonathan Namoni – Assistant Fr. in charge of Mary Immaculate, Archer’s Post Parish.
8. Rev. Fr. John Kemboi – Assistant Rector of Good Shepherd Seminary and Finance Administrator of Good Shepherd Minor Seminary and Irene Girls Secondary School.
9. Rev. Fr. Albert Letaon – Administrative Director of Diocesan Health Facilities and Assistant Fr. in charge of St. Teresa of Calcutta Quasi, Milimani Parish.
10. Rev. Deacon Michael Lekasunyan – Pastoral work in Christ the Risen Lord, Morijo Parish.
11. Rev. Deacon Naphtali Lowoi – Pastoral work in Our Lady of Annunciation, Porto Parish.
12. Rev. Fr. John Dida – Director of Radio Mchungaji, domiciled in Allamano Pastoral Centre, in addition to being the pastoral coordinator.
13. Rev. Fr. Denis Ofwono – Procurator of the diocesan secretariat, in addition to his current position as systems administrator.
14. Rev. Fr. Ambrose Lepartingat – Fr. in charge of St. Teresa of Calcutta, Milimani Quasi Parish, moves to Allamano Pastoral Centre as his residence as he fast tracks the construction of the church in his parish center.
We extends our prayers and best wishes to all those appointed, trusting in God’s guidance as they embark on their new journeys of service.


On Saturday Maralal Cathedral Parish was filled with joy and reverence as Seminarians Michael Loisiae Lekasuyian and Naftali Lowoi Lotukoi were ordained as deacons. The ordination ceremony, presided over by Rt. Rev. Hieronymus Emusugut Joya, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maralal, marked a significant milestone in their spiritual journeys, symbolizing their dedication to serving the church and the community.

Celebrating the life of the Late Rev. Fr. Daniel Ltobikon Lesurmat

Burial of the Rev. Fr. Daniel Lesurmat at the Sts.Peter and Paul Maralal Cathedral Parish Cemetry.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him🕊.
May he rest in peace. AMEN🙏🕊


Eulogy and tribute by the Clergy of Maralal Diocese


Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His servant.

Your Lordship, Hieronymus Emusugut Joya, the Ordinary of the Catholic Diocese of Maralal; Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Lengolos, Vicar General; Rev. Fr. Peter Nderitu, the Chairman of the Diocesan Clergy, priests, Religious men and women; esteemed relatives and friends of Fr. Lesurmat, Government and Political Leaders, and fellow People of God, the Apostle Paul exhorts us with these words: “The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; if we endure, we shall also reign with him” (II Tm 2:11-12).

In a special way, we greet and extend deeply heartfelt condolences to the entire Lesurmat family, the priests and Christians of Wamba Parish, Fr. Dan’s home parish and the Christians of Lodokejek parish, his last place of assignment. Take heart! We are together in this!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather in this Cathedral, in spiritual communion with many brethren throughout the diocese and beyond, who are united with us in prayer, some in their privacy and solitude, and many who have joined us through radio and facebook live in this celebration of our beloved priest’s funeral.  We thank you for being with us.

Today not to mourn the loss of a man, but to celebrate the life of a soul who graced our midst as a beacon of light and a vessel of divine grace. Today, we bid farewell to a zealous shepherd of hearts, a courageous guardian of spirits, a tireless witness, a custodian of faith, and a passionate servant of God’s love  – Reverend Father Daniel Ltobikon Lesurmat.

Today we bury his remains in the earth as a seed of immortality – our hearts are full of sadness, yet at the same time, of joyful hope and profound gratitude.

Christian Life

Daniel was baptized on April 21, 1984, and two months later, he received the Sacrament of Confirmation on June 10, 1984. He was ordained a deacon in 1999 here in Maralal. He was later ordained into the sacred priesthood at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Parish on May 14, 2000. Today marks his 24th priestly anniversary.

Called to the Jumuiyas

Fr. Daniel Lesurmat, the “apostle of the Jumuiyas” as we used to call him was so passionate about the formation of the Small Christian communities. He was always among his people, in their homes, but most especially, in the jumuiyas. He opened, formed and celebrated countless Holy Masses in many Jumuiyas in Suguta Marmar, Maralal Cathedral, Morijo, Archers Post and Lodokejek to mention but a few parishes in which he served.

His priestly ministry was marked with a joyful demeanor, vibrant preaching and a profound understanding of Samburu culture. Serving at the translation committee together with our late Fr. Alois Lempuruk and a host of other dedicated experts, Fr. Daniel bequeathed us with the legacy of the following texts: Misa Ng’ida, Misa Sinyati, Lesionari Lari A, Lesionari Lari B, Lesionari Lari C, Nkoitei e Lmusalaba and Osotua Ng’ejuk. He also contributed immensely in the Samburu Bible while working with the Bible Translation and Literacy (BTL).

Fr. Daniel was a gifted Teacher. He taught catechesis and Church history at the Catechists Training Center (CTC), in his various program and masses in Samburu language at Radio Serian and at our own Radio Mchungaji. We still miss his commanding presence in the air waves.

Ecce Homo (Latin: “Behold the Man”)

Despite his sacred calling, Father Daniel was not immune to the trials and tribulations of human existence. He bore within him the scars of his own wounds, the echoes of his own struggles, and the weight of his own frailty. Yet, it was precisely because of his humanity, because of his willingness to confront his own weaknesses and limitations, that he was able to extend a hand of compassion and understanding to those who suffered.

In the midst of his dedicated service, Father Daniel faced a brief period of illness. He was admitted at Nairobi West Hospital in Nairobi, after complaining of pain and discomfort. There, he received treatment until he was transferred to St. Bridget Hospital for specialized care. It was not long after his admission that he went to be with the Lord on April 5, 2024. His suffering and death, united with Christ, remind us of the words of John Paul II “In sacrificing himself for us all, Christ gave a new meaning to suffering, opening up a new dimension, a new order: the order of love….it is this suffering which burns and consumes evil with the flame of love and draws forth even from sin a great flowering of good” (John Paul II, Memory and Identity, pp 189-190)

Psalm 23, the passage that guided Father Daniel’s life, reminds us of the comforting presence of the Lord as our shepherd. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” These words echoed in Father Daniel’s heart as he ministered to his flock, guiding them through the valleys of life with the assurance of God’s abiding love and provision.

In his eyes, we found the reflection of God’s infinite love, and in his words, we heard the echoes of timeless truths. His homilies were not mere lectures but profound invitations to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence, to explore the contours of our souls, and to embrace the divine spark that resides within each of us.

Father Daniel spoke not from a place of lofty detachment but from the depths of his own humanity. He shared his doubts, his fears, and his moments of despair, inviting us to embrace our own vulnerabilities and find strength in our shared humanity. Through his words, he reminded us that it is in our brokenness that we find our truest selves, and it is in our wounds that we discover the capacity for healing and growth.

In the sacrament of reconciliation, Father Daniel became a conduit for divine mercy, offering absolution and forgiveness to all who sought solace and redemption. He understood that the journey of faith is not one of perfection but of ongoing conversion, of stumbling and rising again, of falling short and being lifted up by the grace of God.

Father Daniel’s life was a testament to the paradox of the wounded healer – a soul who, in his own brokenness, became a channel for divine healing and grace. He walked among us as a living embodiment of the words of the Apostle Paul, who wrote, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Indeed, Father Daniel was a man of peace, even when he spoke the bitter truth, he garbed his words in  humor that brought joy to those around him. In our circles, every time we sat to enjoy some refreshing waters, Fr. Daniel would immediately say “Maapetin bwana,” loosely translated as “let’s go.” He had a nickname for almost everyone of us his brothers.

He was a philosopher and theologian whose contemplations soared to the heights of divine wisdom and plumbed the depths of human experience. He pondered the mysteries of creation, the enigma of suffering, and the meaning of existence with a mind that was both humble and inquisitive. His insights were not confined to the dusty tomes of academia but found expression in the rhythm of daily life, in the laughter of children, and in the tears of the grieving.


Let’s give a huge round of applause and prayers to Seminarian Naphtali Loowoi from Maralal Parish for successfully completing his major seminary journey.
Your dedication, faith and hard work are truly inspiring. May God continue to guide and strengthen you in every step of your way to Priesthood.
Congratulations and blessings on your future endeavors.


Pope Francis has appointed Very Rev. Fr. Peter Munguti Makau, as the coadjutor Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Isiolo.
The news of Fr. Munguti’s appointment was officially published in the L’Osservatore Romano in Rome on 2nd May at 12.00pm Rome time and 1.00pm Kenyan time. The Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, His Excellency Archbishop Bert van Megen, also sent an official communication to the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) communicating the same.
The Nuncio’s letter reads in part, “I have the honour and pleasure to inform you that Pope Francis has appointed the Reverend Father Peter Munguti Makau, IMC, as the Coadjutor Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Isiolo. The Bishop-elect belongs to the congregation of the Consolata Missionaries.”
Congratulations Bishop Elect Peter Munguti

Blessed Easter

The Catholic Diocese of Maralal wishes you a blessed Easter.

“He is not here; he has risen!” —Luke 24:6-7


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P.O.Box 350 – 20600, MARALAL, KENYA.



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